FamBundance Summer Mastermind 2018

Summer Mastermind 2018

Event Objectives

  • The focus of the program was a combination of helping families and individuals identify their Strengths and Superpowers. We aimed to build a continued family and group bonding environment.

  • We can achieve this goal by creating multiple educational/programmatic tracks (families, adults, teens, and children) that all run parallel to each other as well as had times where they came together.

  •  We wanted families to walk away from the program feeling that they had been able to learn and grow in similar ways, within the realm of age-appropriate learning tactics.   

Summer Mastermind 2018

Event Objectives

  • The focus of the program was a combination of helping families and individuals identify their Strengths and Superpowers. We aimed to build a continued family and group bonding environment.
  • We can achieve this goal by creating multiple educational/programmatic tracks (families, adults, teens, and children) that all run parallel to each other as well as had times where they came together.
  •  We wanted families to walk away from the program feeling that they had been able to learn and grow in similar ways, within the realm of age-appropriate learning tactics.   

Want Mike to Facilitate your next event?

The client

FamBundance is the first-of-its-kind family mastermind program, focusing on personal growth and family development for entrepreneurial families.

Fambundance allows families to acquire endless opportunities, connections, strategies, and experiences with highly-successful and ambitious families alike! Creating a tight-knit community of passionate, focused, and loving entrepreneurial families makes us come alive. Seeing the amazing levels of growth and contribution that happen at every one of our programs keeps us going.

Fambundance families strive for success. They strive to make the best of what is and find the best of what could be.


Summit Begins...

Due to weather, the initial event set-up was moved from Mike McCarthy’s house to a new location approx. 5 miles away called Temenos Community. Temenos is a center open to All who desire to retreat and renew in the sanctuary of nature. This was chosen for its kitchen facilities; large gathering room with large windows throughout; rooms to accommodate napping youngsters and spaces to hold supplies.

They were extremely accommodating despite the last minute inquiry to use their facilities and allowed us to use the entire building for our needs. Set-Up was not fully complete, because of this move, by the time families arrived. However, spirits were extremely high as the excitement for the coming three days of activities began to build. Registration was out front and family photos were taken at the top of the walkway.

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The Families

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The Facilitators

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Activity - Connecting To Family Purpose

Families were led directly from registration and family photos to the main room of the retreat center
Each family had a personalized picnic blanket set up with all required materials for the first exercise so they could dive right in!

AI Focus: Discover/Appreciate
Family introductions and “getting to know each other” activities
Families have meaningful conversations around purpose, success, strengths, and family H.P. Stories.

Completed as families
Combination of questions to draw out conversation about magic moments and life highlights
Multiple modalities for responses (writing and drawing)
Encouraging every individual to respond in alignment with their highest strengths
Worked as families to complete, then small and large group shares.
All family members display top answers near each others on 4 foam core boards.
Love/Purpose, Successes, Superpowers, Family GLB Stories.

FamB Workbooks, Flip Charts, Small and Large Post-Its, Colored Markers, Black Sharpies, Blank Canvas Capes, Paint Pens, Paper Super Hero Masks


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Family Super Powers

Individual Superpowers

Healing Hurts
Taking Care Of My Family
Ask Powerful Questions
Empathy, Generosity, Communication
Uplifting, Inspirational, Endurance
Great Example To Others, Positive Example Of Love
Leader Amongst My Friends
Great Commitment
Sensitive To Others, Protective
Handy (Fix Things)
Smile A Lot
Good At Explaining Complex Things
Being Present With Others
Quick Learner
Thankfulness, Passion, Optimistic
Coming Up With Creative Solutions
Being Creative

Great Moments

Found Better Schools for Family
Inspiring People, Created Uplifting Exhibition
Getting Poetry Published
Finished two 5K’s, Placed 1st in Under 10 Race
Climbed Mt Kilimanjaro, Took a trip to Nicaragua
Opened KW Office
Baby Jack – Had C-Section
Growing Business, 7 New Deals For Passive Income
Made All “A’s” This Year, Getting Into School Play
Accepted Into Summer Intern Program @ Local Hospital
Poured a Lot Into Sister’s Recovery
Took A Remote Family Trip To Baja
Started A Dog Care Business
Did Well In Math And Now In Advanced Classes
Finished A Book, Swimming
Went To Bed With No Diaper
Launched A Podcast
Denied Instant Gratification For Long-Term Goal
Retired By 35
Moved To The US Alone At A Young Age
Learned To Climb And Ballroom Dance

Family Love

Intentional, Shows Up, Playing, Time Together
Make Each Other Laugh
Love, Care, and Support
Encouragement, Energy, Inspiration
Cheerleaders and Support For Each Other
Live Outside Of Comfort Zones
Courageous And Generous, Adventurous
Talk About Everything
Spend Time Together Doing Projects
Lots Of Trips As A Family, Put Other Families First
Getting Donuts Every Friday Morning
Love Is The Foundation Of Our Family
At The End Of The Day We Can All Forgive Each Other
We Can Help Others In Different Ways
Family Cares For Each Other When Something Is Wrong
Love Positive Energy Of Family and Laughing
Being Together, Communicating Expectations
Intentional About Growing To Be Our Best Selves
Be Intentional In Design And Then Go After What We’re Excited About
Get Everyone On The Same Page And Try The Same Stuff

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Speaker - Jon Vroman

Topic: Moment Making & Creating Front Row Moments

Show up for other people and shine the light.

Have joy in what you do but get just as much out of lifting others up.

HOPE is a very powerful thing.

HOPE brings the power of future possibilities into the present moment.

We are here to understand who we are, what it is we want, what we can provide to the world, and what we can do about it now.

You can’t measure good deeds…there is just doing good in the world.

Jon's Question

How Could You Use Your Superpowers To Do Good In The World?

Wimberly Family: Talked about Ronald McDonald House holds a special place in their heart – they can go there and prepare breakfast, lunch or dinner as a family – right outside of the hospital Grace will be interning at!

Thompson Family: Sharing their daughter’s toys (her answer) with other kids across the country (give to those less fortunate)

McCarthy Family: Recently they talked about opening their own Acton Academy – an entrepreneurial mindset school for elementary age through High School that follow Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero’s Journey”

Dailey Family: As a family they do a lot of empowering the world around them – they run races and go to personal growth conferences – and everywhere they go, they will bring people with them (mobilize community) by being leaders and showing them the way as a family

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Speakers - Lindsay McCarthy & Brotha James

Topic: Miracle Morning

Brotha James and Lindsay, Ty and Ember lead Miracle Morning and taught the Kids and Parents the CHARMS Routine.

“Wake Up Before You Have To, In Order To Work On Yourself”


Something we can do in service to other people is acknowledging the super powers we see in them. By handing Miracle Morning affirmation cards out and telling the person why they’re receiveing one, we can all affirm something great!

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Activity - Flourishing Families

During this activity, families were asked to select a picture that represents the strengths, values, intentions, and visions of their Family Flourishing in the Future!

Families were then asked to present to another family the picture they chose and why they felt it represents the strengths, values, intentions, and visions of their own Family Flourishing in the Future.

After that session, the families were asked why Fambundance is important to YOU, as individuals.

The responses included:


Helping me love everyone and appreciate everyone
We will learn stuff and have fun


As entrepreneurs, leaving a legacy is important. This helps to strengthen our family. A legacy is only as strong as the hands equipped to carry the legacy forward.

Squeezing every opportunity out of this gift we’ve been given of life and not letting it go to waste. When you show up really cool things can happen. At the last event, I met someone that helped change my life.

Day to Day there is a lot of chaos, but it’s important when I come home to have a place that’s calm and inspirational, uplifting and innovative.

Then they were asked why Fambundance is important to YOUR FAMILY.


Helping our family get closer together.
We will discover our superpowers, other’s superpowers.
So we all have the thing like me and my parents.


Training our children and future generations and training our children how to train THEIR children to carry those legacies forward.
Modeling. Really living. Teaching the girls in our inner circle to really live with no fallback. The heroes journey that we are on as parents of really looking at what that means. Choices we make for our kids. Tackling important questions.
The kids seeing us doing the right thing and coming back and showing up is priceless.
My family has a lot of talents and to have a place to recognize and cultivate those talents is really important.

To finish this activity, the families were asked why Fambundance is important to THE WORLD.


Would make the world a much better place to live in with no violence.
We will make friends because it’s important to have friends so you won’t be lonely.


The most important legacy we leave is our values.
I may not be able to change policies on real-world issues, but I can definitely lead by example.
In modeling the important choices we make as parents by possibly choosing something that is not the status quo, a way of bringing up our children that we feel will be best for them, the more love and light we can spread to the world.

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Activity - Families co-create Guiding ”Ideas”

Families worked together to create guiding ideas.

Revisit Grabbing Life Big Stories.

Share answers on Family Collective Strengths, Synthesize, and eventually present to another family

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Activity - Vision Exercise (Adults)

Got us thinking about how our kids are going to be as they get older, so gave us motivation around time and how to spend it with our kids no matter what age.

Love the intention that this group has for their children’s education – possibly pulling kids out of traditional school, scenarios but still looking for the right one.

Vision Exercise (Teens)

Enrolled in Acton Academy and be around people who know what they are doing.
Get all A’s again.
Volunteering this summer in genuine contribution.
Wants to be more improved in math and writing.
Meet a famous author.
Be in the school play.
Commit to learning something new every day.
Practice pitching 5/7 days a week to help me improve.
Make Spring and Fall travel soccer team.

Vision Exercise (Kids)

Give more money to the homeless, donate food, and wants to be 10.
Commitment: Instead of playing with boogars I will brush my teeth, visit a cave, and save $105.
Try to be nicer to everyone and be friends with everyone.
Donate money, food, and clothes to the needy.
I don’t have to do chores but I like to: wiping floor, dusting and washing tables.
Giving more money, toys, and food to homeless people, playing with my friends and camping more; eat better and save more money.

Speaker - Karen Delano

Topic: Simplicity Parenting / Tech Solutions


Busy parents sometimes feel they don’t ‘have time’.
Get clear on your values and what you want for you and your family.
Less about ’how to’ parent and more about the lifestyle.
Taking away distractions that take you away from what you value.
Get clear on what those are in your family to change priorities.
Small changes are more effective – don’t overcomplicate things.

4 Main Distraction

1 – Too Much Stuff
Environment – with kids we give them a lot of toys feeling they are necessary to give them an edge on learning, but with fewer, they can develop a more creative imagination with fewer toys and more space.

2 – Too Many Activities
Kids are scheduled into a lot of activities and don’t have the downtime to figure out who they are ‘internally’ – they are so busy ‘doing’ things.

3 – Too Much Information & 4 – Technology
It’s becoming more prevalent, so it’s important our kids know who they are on the inside so they are not so influenced by what is out in the world – determining their worth based on likes and followers.

Question: What are the ways we can determine what’s right for our family?

Focus on your values – every time you make a decision look back and assess if it will meet your core values.


Question: What are your viewpoints on tech and how we should and shouldn’t use it?

Really important to have your kids involved in making decisions about tech in your family.
Determine what boundaries you want around technology.
Determine what skills you want to teach your kids with technology – phone etiquette is no longer. learned as easily as it used to be when they heard their parents on the phone.
Imagine the internet like the ocean – full of possibility but scary because so much is unknown – keep your kids close and teach them skills as you go.


Parents are just as guilty of over-using technology – parents wrote down their OWN boundaries!
It’s important that the kids, out of integrity, see that their parents have boundaries as well

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Tech Boundaries / Tech Healthy Habits

Teens and Adults Discussion…

Delete FB App on my phone.
Leave my tech downstairs to charge away from the bedroom.
Not be on the phone when the child is trying to connect.
When there is time PLANNED don’t use technology.
When the parent tells a kid not to use tech while using tech – that’s not fair, so avoid.
Stay in touch with a loved one with tech is a positive.
Schedule time to be more present.
No tech zones.
Self-regulated tech times.

Kids Discussion…….

Only be on if you have to be.
Limit tech time.
No phones at certain times like dinner (when everyone spending time together).
When someone is talking to you put your phone down and look at them.
There are plenty of things to do besides be on technology: play with friends an family; play outside; play sports; read books; listen to music.
There should always be tech-free times scheduled.
Remember that your family is ALWAYS more important than your phone.
Spend more time with them than tech.

Speaker - NIck Santonastasso

Topic: Overcoming Adversity


It is emotionally IMPOSSIBLE to be GRATEFUL and angry/sad/mad at the same time.

GRATITUDE outweighs all other emotions.

Gratitude Exercise: take a deep breath, put your hand on your heart, and visually go to a moment in your life that you can feel extremely grateful for and bring that gratitude into your heart. Live in that moment.

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Key Moments, Highlights & Closing Circle Appreciation

Teens and Adults Discussion…

As an event organizer, the attention to detail over the last three days was on point – a lot of thought and coordination went into it.
Meeting new people I have heard about for quite some time but hadn’t had an opportunity to yet – building bridges and connecting dots.
As a patriarch to see my kids interested – it’s powerful having input from each family member
Families being open and honest isn’t something you see every day.
Coming out of the technology breakouts and seeing the teenagers and young kids, who we usually see as the ones obsessed with technology, are the ones with big thoughts on the subject – so parents, listen to your kids!
Experiencing all of this with my entire family – the whole event is extremely thoughtful and extremely meaningful.
Playing with toys.
Going over what Fambundance is doing for ourselves, our family and the world.

Kids Discussion…….

Not having any phones or laptops.
We grow into conversations we have around us.
Superhero exercise – it’s so easy to talk about what isn’t going well – but to have a weekend devoted to appreciating what’s going great and build on that.
Appreciate all the conversations with ladies about education – bouncing ideas off of them.
I appreciate the type of people in the room – when you talk to likeminded people they ask questions – to be mindful and thoughtful – they make you stop and make you think.
Seeing a group of the kids outside sitting in a circle – seeing the kids connecting on a deeper level warmed my heart.
Sitting back and watching other families have their breakthrough moments.
Hearing stories of a family and taking care of extended families.

The Closing Circle is a tradition which lends to expressions of heartfelt thanks; thoughtful appreciation; and primary lessons being shared by anyone feeling the urge to speak… no matter what age!

Takeaway Homework

Families were given blank wizard wall and their rolled up worksheets so they can be hung and lived daily.
Putting a playbook/action plan together in their house using deployment plan worksheets.
Putting something physical in their house that helps them organize and collaborate around what’s important.
Reflect and take action and write out the Guiding Family Ideas.
What we see repeatedly in our home and what we are habitually doing is 90% of our environment – that dictates our outcome.

Family Operating System In Action……

McCarthy Family Dream Session has become one of the most important Rhythms we do each week. Our core values were formed during the Philly Fambundance event earlier this year, we have continued to refine them.

Today we added “Resilient Warriors” and used some of the McCarthy Coat of arms phrase “Nothing is Difficult to the Brave and Faithful” and motto “Strong, Courageous and Swift” because it was so close to the description we were already trying to craft. vs. our own which was something like, Strong, Brave and Growing in the face of adversity.

The Sarenpa Family also made a family operating system Titled “Daily Rhythm” – helping us all individually and collectively to focus on our intentions. We have made major progress and we are still climbing the mountain! It’s definitely helped us move forward together…and (to mom) it still feels like slow progress. Sarenpas show their independent sides and it’s been tough to wrangle everyone together with excitement….but it sure looks pretty!!! 

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